Organizing practices:
We use Spond to register attendance. Spond is a Norwegian service customized to communicate in sports teams with a focus on privacy. It makes it possible for us to create events and register members who participate, as well as enabling us to have a waiting list so that one can regret and decline their participation and notify the next person on the waiting list if they want to participate. In short, Spond makes it easier for us to organize events (trainings, social gatherings, other).
Register participation:
To participate in training, you must become a member of our Spond group here: If you already have the Spond app installed, you can go to the "Group" section of the app and enter the code HZOQZ to become a member. Please note that we on the board must manually accept your invitation, so it may take some time before you are registered as a member of the Spond group (we try to accept as soon as possible).
Once you have joined the group, you can click on "OSI Badminton" in the "Group" section. You will then get an overview of events that you can attend, which are either open for registration or will be open at a later time. See picture 1 for example.
If you click an event that is open for registration, you can select "Attend" if you want to participate. Here you can also unregister participation by selecting "Decline". Here you can also see if there are limited places. See picture 2 for example.
Other info for participation:
Make sure you have a SiO Athletica membership. This is to have access to the multipurpose halls we rent from SiO, where we have practice.
Please bring your own equipment (racket and shuttles). It is possible to borrow the racket from us when we organize training at Domus Athletica, but due to the corona situation, we would like that people to bring their own rackets. It is also possible to buy shuttles from us at Domus Athletica.
Also, make sure that you are familiar with our guidelines (only in Norwegian).

Picture 2: Register praticipation
Link to our Spond-group for registration of participation on practices and events:
Or the group code: HZOQZ
Interested in participating in our team series? Contact the board at