Årsmøte 2024 med OSI Badminton

Postet av Badminton den 22. Jan 2024

[NOTE: Annual members meeting will be held in Norwegian, but a summary will be provided in English at a later point] 

[Vennligst sjekk ut Facebook-gruppen for arrangement og marker "Deltar" så får vi en oversikt over antall personer som kommer og kan bestille mat og drikke i henhold til dette] 

Styret i OSI Badminton innkaller herved til medlemsmøte i OSI Badminton mandag 29. januar 2024 kl. 17:15-18:45, altså før mandagstrening på Blindern Athletica. Dørene åpnes kl. 17:00.

Medlemsmøte avholdes på UiO sitt campus på Blindern , rom 108 ved Niels Henrik Abels hus (addresse: Moltke Moes Vei 35, 0851 Oslo) (https://www.uio.no/om/finn-fram/omrader/blindern/bl14/).

Har du noen saker som vil tas opp, så vennligst send det inn til osibad@gmail.com merket med "Årsmøte 2024". Frist for å melde inn saker er 24. januar 2024. Alle saker skal inneholde en begrunnelse og et forslag til vedtak. Ved mangel, vil saken mest sannsynlig bli forkastet.

Saksliste vil bli gjort tilgjengelig for medlemmer 25. januar. På agendaen er det allerede klart at vi både trenger å utvide og få inn nye til styret. Så om du er interessert i følgende ansvarsområder, så gi oss gjerne beskjed i forkant av møtet (om det er på epost (osibad@gmail.com) eller personlig til en i styret). Mer info om rollene vil bli informert om i forkant i møte, samt på møtet.

-    Leder

-    Økonomiansvarlig

-    Sosialansvarlig

-    PR-ansvarlig

-    Rekrutteringsansvarlig

-    Verneombud

NB: For å ha stemmerett må man ha vært medlem i minst én måned, og ha betalt medlemskontingent. Da medlemskontingent for 2024 ikke er sendt ut enda, vil medlemskap fra høst 2023 gjelde.

Ellers blir det servert pizza og drikke :) 

Velkommen til møte!

Hilsen OSI Badminton

Info about upcoming trainings

Postet av Badminton den 18. Sep 2023

[Info about upcoming trainings]

(Spond - Membership - Try out)


We will use Spond from next week, and we will start sending invitations from this Thursday. We use Spond to manage trainings and events. For more info about our usage of Spond: https://badminton.osi.no/p/62034/joining-practice

Those who have paid OSI Badminton membership, but is not included in Spond, please use this link to be added in our Spond-group: https://group.spond.com/HZOQZ

We will accept you to the Spond-group when we have registered your payment. Here you will se get an overview of trainings and events, where you need to register to participate. Invitations will will be sent out 3-4 days before. Those who have paid their membership and and have registered their attendance will be prioritized for upcoming practices.

Info about trainings:
We advise that less experienced players to come on Mondays and Fridays, while more experienced players can also come on Thursdays and Sundays.

Become a member?
Apply here: https://badminton.osi.no/register/apply/application

Are you still interested to try out?
You are welcome to try a couple of times before becoming a member.

[Update / Oppdatering]: New semester and start of beginner courses

Postet av Badminton den 11. Feb 2023

NOTE: We are updating our Facebook-group and Spond-group more frequently, so we recommend that you join our groups there!

Hi! Welcome back to a new semester with us at OSI Badminton.

TRAINING HOURS FOR THE 2022/23 season:
Regarding practice, we have received the following training hours:
-Mondays: 16:00-18:45 (full hall) at Blindern Athletica (Address: Problemveien 13, 0313 Oslo)
-Wednesdays: 16:00-18:30 (half hall until 17:00) at Blindern Athletica
-Thursdays: 18:00-20:00 at OsloMet (Address: Pilestredet 50, 0167 Oslo) (For 1-2. division players)
-Fridays: 19:00-20:45 at Domus Athletica (Addresss: Trimveien 4, 0372 Oslo)


Beginner courses are being held during our Friday practices at Domus. After some weeks of Beginner courses, the Intermediate courses replace the Beginner course.

We will be continuing using Spond to register attendance for our practices. You can join our group on Spond here: https://group.spond.com/HZOQZ . If you already have it installed, go to the "Group" section in the app and use the group code HZOQZ to join.

If you have SiO Athletica membership, feel free to join and try out twice before becoming a member. 

Make sure to answer each event if you are going to attend. We will normally make each event visible 2-3 days in advance at 17:30.

Make sure you can access the SiO training centres for when we are using the Athletica centers.
*Exception: Weeks we have announced free entrance to our practices, you will NOT need SiO Athletica membership.

Membership fees will be sent out and paying it is a mandatory to be able to continue attending with us.

*We do only have equipment that we can rent out when we have practice on Domus Athletica for those who don't have their own equipment.

[Oppdatering/Update]: Welcome back to a new season!

Postet av Badminton den 22. Aug 2022

NOTE: We are updating our Facebook-group and Spond-group more frequently, so we recommend that you join our groups there!

Hi! Hope you had a great summer and welcome back to a new season with us at OSI Badminton.

TRAINING HOURS FOR THE 2022/23 season:
Regarding practice, we have received the following training hours:
-Mondays: 16:00-18:45 (full hall) at Blindern Athletica (Address: Problemveien 13, 0313 Oslo)
-Wednesdays: 16:00-18:30 (half hall until 17:00) at Blindern Athletica
-Thursdays: 18:00-20:00 at OsloMet (Address: Pilestredet 50, 0167 Oslo)
-Fridays: 19:00-20:45 at Domus Athletica (Addresss: Trimveien 4, 0372 Oslo)

*We are also currently looking for additional locations to have more practice hours. We are also looking to get trainers and we will keep you updated. We are planning on to divide practices based on levels with trainers. For now, all practices are self play, meaning that our players are organizing their practice by themselves and not with a trainer.

*We will have free entrance to our practices next week (week 35) for those who don't have a SiO Athletica membership. Other necessary membership info will be provided at a later point.

We will be continuing using Spond to register attendance for our practices. You can join our group on Spond here: https://group.spond.com/HZOQZ . If you already have it installed, go to the "Group" section in the app and use the group code HZOQZ to join.

Make sure to answer each event if you are going to attend. We will normally make each event visible 2-3 days in advance at 17:30.

Make sure you can access the SiO training centres for when we are using the Athletica centers.
*Exception: Weeks we have announced free entrance to our practices, you will NOT need SiO Athletica membership.

Membership fees will be sent out at a later period and paying it is a mandatory to be able to continue attending with us. More info will be provided later.

*We do only have equipment that we can rent out when we have practice on Domus Athletica for those who don't have their own equipment.

We are also in the planning phase for social events for this year. This includes internal tournament, sauna and christmas dinner to mention some ideas we have in the process. A plan for the semester will be provided later when details are in place.

[Oppdatering/Update]: Open training - free play

Postet av Badminton den 11. Feb 2022

Please join our Facebook-group and Spond group for frequent updates

Starting from Monday 7th February, we will open up for all members to register for attendance at Spond the next 2 weeks. You do not need SiO Athletica membership for this period.

Make sure that you are part of our Spond group to check and register attendance, as we have limited spots each practice.

You can see in Spond when each practice is going available for our members to register attendance. Registration will be available some days in prior to the practice.

NB! We only have rental equipment on Mondays as that is where our main storage is. You can then borrow racket from us, and we have a basket of used shuttles that can be used.

More info about joining practice here: https://badminton.osi.no/p/62034/joining-practice