Feel free to join our sessions at Blindern Athletica (20, 24, 27, 31 January)
Postet av Badminton den 17. Jan 2025
For the spring semester 2025 we will be offering free entrance to our sessions at Blindern Athletica the following days:
- Mondays 20th and 27th of January
- Fridays 24th and 31th of January
Meet up at the reception 10 minutes before practice hours and some from the club will guide you in :)
Upcoming courses and training sessions - Season 24/25
Postet av Badminton den 6. Okt 2024
Hi! We will now start with courses with trainers. From tomorrow (Monday 7. October) it will be the following sessions:
- For beginners: Mondays at 19:00-20:00 at Blindern Athletica. Using all courts.
- For division players at OSI 2 and OSI 3: Tuesdays at 18:00-19:00 at Bygdø. (Players selected for these teams are informed)
! If there will be any changes to this, we will give you a notice.
If you are a beginner and have paid our membership fee, feel free to attend our course already tomorrow, even though Spond is not set up yet 🙂
This also applies for all other sessions for all players that have paid our membership this upcoming week as Spond may not be up and ready yet.
We will set up Spond accordingly with our courses and free play sessions. This will be our plattform to sign up for practices so trainers and members can have an overview of those participating.
Are you not a part of our Spond-group yet? You can join here: https://group.spond.com/HZOQZ
Requested and not become a member of the Spond-group yet? It can be that you have not paid our membership fees or we have not set up Spond accordingly yet. We will set it up from now and during the next days as we need to go through who has paid the fee and invite them accordingly. It can also be that we have not gone through your request yet as we go through them from time to time.
How to use Spond? Check our webpage link: https://badminton.osi.no/next/p/62023/deltakelse
[Update / Oppdatering]: New semester and start of beginner courses
Postet av Badminton den 11. Feb 2023
NOTE: We are updating our Facebook-group and Spond-group more frequently, so we recommend that you join our groups there!
Beginner courses are being held during our Friday practices at Domus. After some weeks of Beginner courses, the Intermediate courses replace the Beginner course.
If you have SiO Athletica membership, feel free to join and try out twice before becoming a member.
Make sure to answer each event if you are going to attend. We will normally make each event visible 2-3 days in advance at 17:30.
[Oppdatering/Update]: Open training - free play
Postet av Badminton den 11. Feb 2022
Please join our Facebook-group and Spond group for frequent updates
NB! We only have rental equipment on Mondays as that is where our main storage is. You can then borrow racket from us, and we have a basket of used shuttles that can be used.