[Oppdatering/Update]: Changes regarding organized practice.

Postet av Badminton den 12. Sep 2020

[Update about the season. Includes information about organized practice]

Hi! We want to inform you that there will be some changes regarding organized practices forward.


We will soon begin with organized practices (with coaches) on Mondays at Domus Athletica. We may divide the hall in 3 sections based on levels (beginners, intermediate, experienced), where it will be held a 1 hours practice during our training session.

Check out the polls for Monday practices for alternatives that represent the training group you would participate in regarding level. We will adjust the size of each groups if necessary.

As our intermediates did not receive any organized practice with coaches last semester, due to the corona situation, we would like to prioritize them this semester.

We are therefore planning to have a short period (around 4 weeks) where intermediates and beginners are the ones who will have organized practice. After the short practice, we will then have organized practice for experienced and intermediates + beginners.


You need to have SiO Athletica membership to be able to attend our practices.

You are welcome to try and play a couple of times before applying to become an member of the club. You can apply to become a member on our website (see green button): https://badminton.osi.no/ . This is a seperate fee from the SiO Athletica membership.

Make sure to have registered on the contact info form, so it is easier for us to reach out to people if it happens to be an outbreak during one of our practices. Link to form: https://forms.gle/9G4BsDx2mCJ8MrAC7

Please bring your own equipment (racket, shuttles), as well as a towel. The latter is required from SiO to enter their centers.

Try to be at least 1 meter away from each other and avoid physical contact.

Wash hands before and after practice and avoid touching your face.

Stay home if you feel sick or if you are ill.

If you set up any equipment during practice, please put it back (if applicable). This is to reduce the amount of unecessary contact of equipment that others have been in contact with.


We have noticed that during registration for attending a practice, that there are some who register even though the maximum amount of players for the training groups is reached.

First and foremost are we creating a limit for player attendance due to infection control. The limit is set to prevent close contact with others, as well as to prevent big outbreaks (if there will be one). Secondly, a limit is set to create a space where players can excercise effectively as well as having time for short rests while rotating.

If this trend continue, we may change to a different system for attending a practice, that will be more burdensome for both us from the board and our members. And update will be out if we are going to change the system.

[Oppdatering/Update]: Organized practice can now be held!

Postet av Badminton den 17. Aug 2020

We have now received (per. 17th of August) a message that organized practices can be held at the training facilities at SiO. See "Organisering av trening/How practices are organized" -subsection in "OM OSS" -section for more information.

[Oppdatering/Update]: New training hours for this season

Postet av Badminton den 14. Aug 2020

**Practices are still postponed for now. Just an update regarding our training hours for this season**

Hi! Just wanted to update you that after having some conversation with OSI Central, we have received different training hours for this upcoming season. Please note that we now have Domus on Mondays for a longer period, compared to two separate sessions (as presented in an earlier post). Our training hours are:

Mondays (Domus): 16:30-19:00
Fridays (Blindern): 19:00-20:45
Sundays (OsloMet): 14:00-16:00

We will give you an update regarding courses and open training later when details are set, as we just received our training hours for this season :)

[Varsel/Alert]: Practices postponed from 10th of August until further notice.

Postet av Badminton den 10. Aug 2020

Hi! We just recieved a message from OSI Central that all practices are postponed for now. This is due to SiO needing more time to look at guidelines for organizing activities in their training facilites. Also, there are still talks regarding training hours between the administration and OSI clubs, resulting in practices being postponed for now. 

 We will update you as soon as we recieve more information :)

[Oppdatering/Update]: Welcome to a new season with OSI Badminton!

Postet av Badminton den 9. Aug 2020

Hi! Welcome back to a new season with OSI Badminton. Our summer practices are over for now and we will present some information about this upcoming season.


 We recently received our training hours for the season (autumn 2020/spring 2021):

 -**Monday (Domus Athletica): 14:30 - 16:30

 -Tuesday (Domus Athletica): 14:30 - 16:00

 -Friday (Blindern Athletica): 17:00 - 20:45

 -Sunday (OsloMet): 14:00 - 16:00

 **Monday not fully confirmed.

 We know that these training hours may cause frustration for some as our beloved multipurpose hall on Domus is only available during a time that does not fit most schedules, as well as having Blindern on Fridays being the training hours that fit most, but on a limited capacity compared to last season's Friday practices.

 We are in talks with OSI Central (higher administrative organ) regarding capacity and available traning hours so we can offer a better experience for all our members on all levels (beginner, intermediate and experienced). This includes beginner and intermediate courses, as well as offering dedicated playtime for our team series players. 

 The status after having a conversation with OSI Central, is that we can receive playing time at Domus on Mondays (as presented above) (not fully confirmed, we will edit this post once we got a green light). 

 We believe these training hours will not fully satisfy our needs to offer the best experience for all of our members. We are therefore exploring our options, including reaching out to other OSI groups for possible exchange of training hours and possible training facilities. 


 We have not yet fully planned how we are going to organize our traning hours regarding organized practice (including courses), as we recently recieved our traning hours.

 Until further updates, our practices for this season will be organized similar to our summer practices. You will need to register on our Facebook-polls to be able to attend (to track who attends as a part of our infection control).


 On behalf of the board, we hope you had a great summer and we are excited to greet both old and new members to our club :)

[Oppdatering/Update]: SiO Athletica has reopened for organized practices.

Postet av Badminton den 22. Jun 2020

 Just want to give you an update for how our dedicated practice hours are going to be this summer.


 OSI Central has received multiple request regarding organizing practice during this summer. For now, they have informed us that they will only open the multipurpose hall at Domus, as well as it is limited for when organized practice can be held.

 Our practice hours during the summer are:

 -Wednesdays: 16:20 - 17:25

 -Fridays: 17:30 - 19:45

 All practice will be held at Domus Athletica.


 With guidelines presented from SiO and Norges Badminton Forbund (NBF), there will be some restrictions for how our practices are organized.

 We are limiting to only 18 players that can attend each practice. This is based on the recommendations with only one player on each half court (exception: two people from the same household can stay at the same halfcourt). With 9 available courts, we are limitng it to 18 players.


 Each week, we will post a poll on our Facebook group (see first page for link) before each session (at least a day in advance). To join a session, you will need to mark the given alternatives. This is to have an overview of who are coming to practice the given day. 

 With the limitations regarding the amount of players, we will have a "first come, first serve" -system. This means that the first 18 persons to mark that they are attending, will be the only players to able to come to practice. 

 Those attending the practice, does not need to book through SiO. When entering the training center, you enter normally (go through the gates, as we were informed). Let the staff know you are attending an organized practice if they ask.

 You will need to bring your own equipment (racket, shuttles) as we will not rent out any.

 Bring a towel. This is required from SiO to enter their centers.  


 Make sure you have paid our membership fees for spring 2020 to attend.

 If you want to join our traning practices as a guest (only practice during summer), you must do the following:

 Make sure you have SiO Athletica membership, so you can access the traning center at Domus Athletica (or made sure that you can enter the SiO Athletica centers by other methods).

 Pay 150 kr with Vipps to OSI Badminton. Make sure to include "3990" in the comment when paying.

[Oppdatering/Update]: About our practices forward regarding the situation with the corona virus

Postet av Badminton den 11. Mar 2020

With the situation around the corona virus, the regional sports organ in Oslo has requested to stop all sports activity to prevent further spreading. The executive board at OSI has therefore decided that all acitivites by OSI should be postponed until further notice. This means that there will not be any organized practices by OSI Badminton for now. We will update you when the situation changes.


 Med situasjonen rundt coronaviruset, har Oslo Idrettskrets bedt alle idrettslag i Oslo om å stanse all idrettslig aktivitet for å forhindre videre smitte. Hovedstyret i OSI har derfor besluttet at all aktivitet i regi av OSI skal stoppes inntil videre. Dette betyr at det ikke vil være noen organisert treninger av OSI Badminton for nå. Vi vil komme med oppdatering når situasjonen endrer seg.

[Varsel/Alert]: Beginner course starts today (14th of February) from 17:45 to 18:45! Some reduced available courts for members during the session.

Postet av Badminton den 14. Feb 2020

Our beginner course will start today (14th of February) and last for the next 7 Fridays. The session will be from 17:45 to 18:45 at Domus Athletica. We will go through most of the basic techniques during this course (footwork and shots). It will be hosted by our member Sondre Sefland, so feel free to ask him any questions regarding this course.

We will reserve some courts for the beginner course. This means that there will be a reduced number of available courts for members who do not participate at the course for a period of the training session.

We hope to see you there!


Vår nybegynnerkurs vil starte i dag (14 februar) og vil vare de neste 7 fredagene. Økten vil vare mellom 17:45 og 18:45 på Domus Athletica. Vi vil gå gjennom det meste av basis teknikk gjennom kurset (fotarbeid og slag). Kurset vil holdes av vårt medlem Sondre Sefland, så bare å ta kontakt med han angående spørsmål knyttet til kurset.

Vi vil reservere noen baner for nybegynnerkurset. Dette betyr at det vil være redusert antall tilgjengelige baner for medlemmer som ikke deltar i kurset en periode av treningsøkten.

Vi håper å se dere der!

[Varsel/Alert]: Some important information regarding open practice Friday 31. 01

Postet av Badminton den 31. Jan 2020

[Norwegian below]

Due to great interest, we will have to divide the open training session this Friday (31.01). New members can first and foremost claim courts between 17:30 and 19:00. This does not mean that old members can come, but they cannot expect a lot of playing time during this period. This does not also mean that new members need to leave at 19:00.

A reminder that it is open training this Friday (31.01) and Monday (03.02). You will have free entrance to our facilities that normally requires SIO Athletica membership. If you do not have a SiO Athletica membership, a board member from the club will stand at the reception area and grant you free entrance. The person will stand in the reception area for an hour from when the practice starts (eg. on Friday during 17:30 – 18:30 and on Monday during 16:00-17:00). Feel free to use this opportunity to check out our training environment and ask questions. We will provide rackets if you don’t have any! 

If you cannot attend during the open training sessions and wish to attend a different day, you are welcome to do so, but please let us know. It will require that you have SiO Athletica membership to access our training facilities if you cannot attend during these open training sessions.

Feel free to ask questions through our contact form (see the "KONTAKT OSS"-section) or through our Facebook-group. Link is available on the front page :)


På grunn av stor interesse, vil vi foreta en inndeling for åpen trening denne fredagen. Nye medlemmer vil først og fremst ha førsterett på banene mellom 17:30 og 19:00. Dette betyr ikke at gamle medlemmer ikke kan komme, men de kan ikke forvente mye spilletid i løpet av denne perioden. Dette betyr heller ikke at nye medlemmer må dra 19:00.

Vi minner om at det er åpen trening denne fredagen (31.01) og mandag (03.02). Da har du gratis inngang til våre fasiliteter som vanligvis krever SiO Athletica medlemskap. Om du ikke har SiO Athletica medlemskap, vil en fra styret stå ved resepsjonsområdet for å registrere gratis inngang. Personen vil stå der i en time fra treningsøkten starter (det vil si på fredag kl. 17:30 – 18:30 og på mandag kl. 16:00 – 17:00). Bruk gjerne denne muligheten til å utforske treningsmiljøet vårt og stille spørsmål. Vi vil stille med racket om du ikke har noen!

Om du ikke kan komme på noen av disse åpne treningsøktene og ønsker å komme en annen dag, er du gjerne velkommen til det men gjerne informer oss. Det vil dermed kreve at du har SiO Athletica medlemskap for å komme inn i våre fasiliteter.

Still gjerne spørsmål gjennom vår kontaktskjema (se "KONTAKT OSS" -seksjonen) eller gjennom vår Facebook-gruppe. Du finner lenke på førstesiden :)

[Oppdatering/Update]: Student association day and open practices!

Postet av Badminton den 16. Jan 2020

English below

Vi vil med glede fortelle at vi kommer til å være på foreningsdagene på OsloMet og UiO. Vi vil stå på stand fra 11:00 til 13:00. Om du har noen spørsmål du ønsker å stille, er dette en god mulighet å spørre. Ellers kan du stille spørsmål gjennom "KONTAKT OSS" -seksjonen på nettsiden.

Prøvetreninger vil være fredag 31. januar på Domus Athletica og 3. februar på Blindern Athletica. En person fra klubben vil stå ved resepsjonsområdet og vil gi dere gratis inngang til våre treningsanlegg. Vi vil også stille med racketer som man kan låne.


We will gladly announce that we will attend at the student associations days at Oslomet and UiO. We will have a stand from 11:00 to 13:00. If you would like to ask us any questions in person, do not hesitate to use this opportunity. You can also ask question through the "KONTAKT OSS" -section on the website.

Open practices will be held Friday 31. of January at Domus Athletica and 3. of February at Blindern Athletica. A person from the club will stand at the reception area will grant you free access to our training facilities during these days. We will provide rackets that you can borrow as well.

[Varsel/Alert]: Reminder for annual meeting 17. of January

Postet av Badminton den 15. Jan 2020

En påminnelse om årsmøtet som holdes 17. januar på Domus Athletica kl. 16:45. Vi vil gå gjennom året som har vært, presentere året som kommer, ta opp viktige saker og ikke minst velge nytt styre for 2020. 

Saksliste er finner du nedenfor:

Årsmøte OSI badminton.pdf

Og ja, det blir servert pizza. Sees :)


A reminder about the annual meeting that will be held 17. of January at Domus Athletica at 16:45. We will go through the previous year, present how this year is going to be, discuss important cases and choose a new board for 2020.

The program is linked above.

And yes, it will be served pizza. See you there :)

[Varsel/Alert]: Reminder for annual meeting 17. of January

Postet av Badminton den 15. Jan 2020

En påminnelse om årsmøtet som holdes 17. januar på Domus Athletica kl. 16:45. Vi vil gå gjennom året som har vært, presentere året som kommer, ta opp viktige saker og ikke minst velge nytt styre for 2020. 

Saksliste er finner du nedenfor:

Årsmøte OSI badminton.pdf

Og ja, det blir servert pizza. Sees :)


A reminder about the annual meeting that will be held 17. of January at Domus Athletica at 16:45. We will go through the previous year, present how this year is going to be, discuss important cases and choose a new board for 2020.

The program is linked above.

And yes, it will be served pizza. See you there :)

[Oppdatering/Update]: Minor changes to our training hours for this spring!

Postet av Badminton den 8. Jan 2020

Velkommen tilbake til et nytt semester! Vi ønsker å informere at treningstidene er ganske likt som forrige semester, men det er en liten endring angående onsdagstreningene. Treningstidene er som følger:

Mandager: 16:00-19:00 (Blindern Athletica)

Onsdager: 18:30-20:00 (Ullevål)

Fredager: 17:30-20:45 (Domus Athletica)


Welcome back to a new semester! We would like to inform that the training hours is mostly the same, but there is a minor change regarding the Wednesday practices. The training hours are following:

Mondays: 16:00-19:00 (Blindern Athletica)

Wednesdays: 18:30-20:00 (Ullevål)

Fridays: 17:30-20:45 (Domus Athletica)