[Oppdatering/Update]: Changes regarding organized practice.
Postet av Badminton den 12. Sep 2020
[Update about the season. Includes information about organized practice]
Hi! We want to inform you that there will be some changes regarding organized practices forward.
We will soon begin with organized practices (with coaches) on Mondays at Domus Athletica. We may divide the hall in 3 sections based on levels (beginners, intermediate, experienced), where it will be held a 1 hours practice during our training session.
Check out the polls for Monday practices for alternatives that represent the training group you would participate in regarding level. We will adjust the size of each groups if necessary.
As our intermediates did not receive any organized practice with coaches last semester, due to the corona situation, we would like to prioritize them this semester.
We are therefore planning to have a short period (around 4 weeks) where intermediates and beginners are the ones who will have organized practice. After the short practice, we will then have organized practice for experienced and intermediates + beginners.
You need to have SiO Athletica membership to be able to attend our practices.
You are welcome to try and play a couple of times before applying to become an member of the club. You can apply to become a member on our website (see green button): https://badminton.osi.no/ . This is a seperate fee from the SiO Athletica membership.
Make sure to have registered on the contact info form, so it is easier for us to reach out to people if it happens to be an outbreak during one of our practices. Link to form: https://forms.gle/9G4BsDx2mCJ8MrAC7
Please bring your own equipment (racket, shuttles), as well as a towel. The latter is required from SiO to enter their centers.
Try to be at least 1 meter away from each other and avoid physical contact.
Wash hands before and after practice and avoid touching your face.
Stay home if you feel sick or if you are ill.
If you set up any equipment during practice, please put it back (if applicable). This is to reduce the amount of unecessary contact of equipment that others have been in contact with.
We have noticed that during registration for attending a practice, that there are some who register even though the maximum amount of players for the training groups is reached.
First and foremost are we creating a limit for player attendance due to infection control. The limit is set to prevent close contact with others, as well as to prevent big outbreaks (if there will be one). Secondly, a limit is set to create a space where players can excercise effectively as well as having time for short rests while rotating.
If this trend continue, we may change to a different system for attending a practice, that will be more burdensome for both us from the board and our members. And update will be out if we are going to change the system.
Karan Rajagopalan
what time and which days of the week I can find intermediate players? I'd like to tag along for a few hours of friendly games / practice..
02 oktober 2020
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